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Sponsor help for Ukrainian refugees

Andrew Sparke writes:    Hi to everyone at St Peter’s! A quick note from Warsaw where, together with my son Alex, I’m among a wonderful group of volunteers at the central railway station, helping those refugees who want to take up Boris’s generous offer to come and sit out the war/start a new life/bring up…

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Covid safety in church

In light of government regulations, face masks are now compulsory in church (unless you are exempt, or aged under 11), and we ask members of the congregation to wear them even when singing during worship. We also encourage (but do not require) everyone to take a lateral flow test before coming to services or other…

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Virtual Advent Calendar

The virtual ADVENT CALENDAR on WhatsApp was great fun last year, with songs, anecdotes, cocktail tips, and more delivered daily to your phone. Sign up this year (for small contribution to the church) with Marie-Pierre Moine at Starts this week.

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Steve Haude

Dear friends It is with great sadness and regret that I have to let members of the parish know that Steve Haude, our much loved virger at St Peter’s Church, died this Sunday afternoon (21st November). Steve played an invaluable role in the life of St Peter’s Church over many years, and was a great…

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Christmas Present Tree

As we have done in previous years, we will be collecting donations of new Christmas presents for local children in need in the run-up to Christmas. It’s a great thing to do with your own children, to help them to remember those who are less fortunate! So you can take a tag from the Christmas tree…

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Christmas at St Peter’s

Saturday 2nd December (12 am-4 pm): ST PETER’S SCHOOL CHRISTMAS FAIR Sunday 3rd December (4.30 pm): CHRISTINGLE Thursday 7th December (7.30 pm): OPERA INTEGRA: CHRISTMAS CONCERT Saturday 9th December (7.30 pm): PETROS SINGERS: MERRY HAMMERSMITHMAS! Sunday 10th December (3-5 pm): CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY Monday 11th December (evening): SING WEST CHRISTMAS CONCERT Tuesday 12th December (12.30…

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New pattern of Sunday worship

Building on what we were doing before the summer holidays, and following discussion at the PCC, we want to trial a slightly new pattern of Sunday worship this term, beginning on 5th September. This will involve offering a short 9 am Family Worship most weeks, as well as offering Sunday clubs and a crèche at…

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Glass Door Annual Sleep Out

On Friday 1 October 2021, our vicar Charles and a group from St Peter’s, including Steve and Vicky Lawrence, and their son Thomas, will be taking part in Glass Door Homeless Charity’s Sleep Out by sleeping out for a night under the stars in the church garden. Those who’ve done it before will know it…

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Worship following the lifting of covid restrictions

As covid restrictions are lifted on 19th July, we’re delighted that we can resume CONGREGATIONAL SINGING from Sunday 25th July! [See the LATEST GUIDANCE on worship for step four of the roadmap out of lockdown, issued by the Church of England.] Barring any new announcements from the government or the church authorities to the contrary, we are…

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Confirmation at St Peter’s Church

We’re delighted that the Bishop of Kensington, Graham Tomlin, will be coming to St Peter’s on Sunday 21st November, for a service of Confirmation with Holy Communion at 10.30 am. If you’d like to be confirmed on this occasion, we’re running three groups over the coming weeks: For children aged 10 and above, Mondays, from 6 to 7pm, beginning…

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