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Worship following the lifting of covid restrictions

As covid restrictions are lifted on 19th July, we’re delighted that we can resume CONGREGATIONAL SINGING from Sunday 25th July!

[See the LATEST GUIDANCE on worship for step four of the roadmap out of lockdown, issued by the Church of England.]

Barring any new announcements from the government or the church authorities to the contrary, we are excited to be able to return to our full pre-covid singing pattern in church from Sunday 25th July, with hymns and mass settings – so come with a joyful spirit and a full set of lungs!

After consultation with the PCC, we have decided that from July 25th masks will be optional in church, but for the time being we will keep the current social distancing measures (with every other pew roped off), and keep to the current method of distributing communion (continuing to offer wafers only, received standing at the front of nave). We will keep these elements under review, in light of infection rates over the coming months and guidance from church authorities.

Those who would prefer to avoid being close to singers are encouraged to sit in the balcony, or come to the 8 am SAID COMMUNION, which will be offered every Sunday from 25th July. 

All being well, we’ll also look to restart COFFEE AFTER CHURCH from the beginning of September, so do be in touch with the parish office if you would be happy to go on the coffee rota from then!
