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Follow the Star!

If you would like to get some fresh air and exercise over the Christmas holidays, why not participate in ‘Follow the Star’, a fun activity for primary age children (and their parents) with a chance to win a prize! The activity runs from 20th – 31st December and can be done whenever it suits you.…

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Sponsor a BEST christmas box

BEST is a local company that focuses on children’s mental and emotional health and wellbeing. Sadly, due to the pandemic, we are unable to physically be in the schools where we regularly teach. However, not to be thwarted at this crucial time, we have created ‘BEST Activity Boxes’, delivered to the door, enabling us to continue…

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Christmas services this year

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”  (John 1:5)   In the middle of Covid, we need Christmas more than ever. But this year, of course, we will be doing things a bit differently. Under Tier 4 restrictions, public worship is still permitted. But as you will appreciate, Covid…

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St Peter’s Christmas Puds

Forget shopping on line! Order one of these locally-made Puds, and help raise money for The Glass Door project to support homeless people this winter. Handmade by Felicity Record to Delia Smith’s popular recipe – as featured four years ago at St Peter’s Harvestival. Laced with rum, the smaller puddings weigh 5 oz and feed two…

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Christmas treats for the Foodbank

Hammersmith and Fulham Foodbank continues to experience exceptional demand in these extremely difficult times. Following a conversation with the Foodbank about how we can help, we’re asking if members of the church could contribute some edible Christmas treats to be be included in the food parcels they will be distributing in the run-up to Christmas.…

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Support children at St Peter’s School

Like everyone, the children at St Peter’s School have had a tough year. The needs of different children within the school community vary enormously, but the school has a range of ideas to help the children recover from the effects of the pandemic, and has already put the government’s funding to good work. Any additional…

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St Peter’s Virtual Advent Calendar

Get ready for Christmas, and keep in touch with friends from St Peter’s, with the St Peter’s Virtual Advent Calendar! Each day throughout December until Christmas, you’ll receive a short message or video sent directly to your phone via WhatsApp, with a mixture of carols, Christmas stories & poems, crafts, recipes & many more surprises to suit…

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St Peter’s re-opening for worship

In keeping with government guidance, we are delighted to announce that we are re-opening St Peter’s for public worship this Sunday! As you will appreciate, we are subject to considerable restrictions, and no doubt what we do will evolve over the coming months. For the time being, PRE-RECORDED WORSHIP will continue to be available online,…

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Join in congregational singing

The congregational hymn for next Sunday (31st May) is 137 – ‘Come down, O Love divine’. The numbers of the congregation taking part are slowly creeping up, so please come and join in! It’s easier to do than you’d imagine! Full instructions together with an audio file of the music (or video file, if you prefer)…

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Hammersmith and Fulham Foodbank

In the light of the COVID-19 crisis, HAMMERSMITH AND FULHAM FOODBANK are reporting that demand for food parcels has quadrupled, whilst donations of food have declined. You can make a financial donation to them quickly and easily online via their website, or going direct to CHARITYCHECKOUT. If you are able to make a donation of…

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