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Christmas treats for the Foodbank

Hammersmith and Fulham Foodbank continues to experience exceptional demand in these extremely difficult times.

Following a conversation with the Foodbank about how we can help, we’re asking if members of the church could contribute some edible Christmas treats to be be included in the food parcels they will be distributing in the run-up to Christmas. We’re thinking of fancy boxes of chocolates, nibbles, biscuits, Christmas puddings or cakes – anything that will help hard-pressed local families celebrate Christmas with a bit of joy and luxury! We’re looking for food only, and please don’t include anything with alcohol in it, anything home-made, or with a short shelf-life.

If you’d like to contribute, you can bring your donations to church on Saturday mornings over the next few weeks, when the church will be open for private prayer from 10 am till noon, or on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, from 10 am till noon, when the parish office will be open.
