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Support children at St Peter’s School

Like everyone, the children at St Peter’s School have had a tough year. The needs of different children within the school community vary enormously, but the school has a range of ideas to help the children recover from the effects of the pandemic, and has already put the government’s funding to good work. Any additional funding we can raise locally will increase the reach and impact of what St Peter’s is able to offer its children.

Barabara Illingwoth, a regular worshipper at St Peter’s church, and newly elected as Treasurer for St Peter’s School PTA, has been inspired to attempt a 10K run in Chiswick on Sunday 6th December to raise money for Covid catch-up projects for children at St Peter’s school. Due to Covid restrictions it will need to be a somewhat self certified 10K, but she is happy to take advice on the route!

If she complete the challenge before the end of the year, her company has agreed to match fund donations (up to £5K). So any support you could give could end up having an even bigger impact. She’d love you to sponsor her at her justgiving page at