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Join the Storyboard Walk

THE STORYBOARD WALK is a free family activity run by St Peter’s School PTA (via Koru Kids) for holidays (similar to the Star Walk organised by Joanna Woods over Christmas). It’s a game, story and walk for children aged 3-11, focusing on emotional literacy, and a way to raise money for St Peter’s school, using estate…

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Racism and the Church of England

The Black Lives Matter campaign has forced all of us to reflect more deeply on issues of racism, both in society and in the church. Last week, some of you will have seen the BBC’s Panorama programme asking “Is the Church racist?”, which told some challenging and disturbing stories of the experiences of black and…

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Walking to Ethiopia

Lucy, the Parish Administrator, is walking 250km in March as part of a group effort to walk, run or cycle 8766 kms ‘to’ Debre Birhan in Ethiopia, for PARTNERS FOR CHANGE ETHIOPIA. She has clocked up 213 km so far. The final destination is the school in Biruh Tesfa and the money is to support a…

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Leaving gift for Heike Prentice

As most of you will know, Heike’s time as a curate at St Peter’s is coming to an end, and she will be leaving us in April to become Vicar of Coggeshall and the surrounding villages in Essex. We will miss her hugely, but wish her and Alistair all the best for this exciting next…

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Re-opening for public worship

Following the government’s plan to ease covid restrictions and re-open schools, we are delighted to announce that St Peter’s will be re-opening for public worship, on Sunday 7th March. In terms of what we are allowed to do, there are still considerable restrictions in place: we need to keep social distancing and wear masks, we can’t do coffee or socialise after church…

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Diocese of London Lent Appeal: Challenging Youth Violence

Youth violence is an issue of great urgency for our time. In 2019, 24 children aged just 17 or younger were murdered with a knife or sharp object. Youth violence, which is prevalent in London, can include fighting, bullying, threats with weapons, and gang-related violence. For some young people, Covid-19 has made the world even less…

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40 Days of Wellbeing

Throughout Lent, the Diocese of London is offering daily reflections and videos on mental and physical wellbeing, under the banner “40 Days of Wellbeing”, which you can access via the diocese’s CONFIDENT DISCIPLES twitter account, from Ash Wednesday onwards. To get a taste of what’s coming up, you can watch an advance offering, with this short VIDEO REFLECTION on…

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Donate old children’s books

Thanks so much to all who generously donated baby clothes last week to support a local asylum seeker! This week, we’re looking for used (but good condition) children’s books, to pass on to the CHILDREN’S BOOK PROJECT. This is a London-based charity who collect and distribute books to disadvantaged children, via schools, nurseries, prisons, foodbanks, women’s…

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Churches still open over Christmas

Dear friends, Most of you will now have heard the disappointing news that London is about to enter the new ‘Tier 4’ category from midnight on Saturday night (20th December). Having uttered a few un-vicarly words on first hearing the news, I am now trying to work out the full implications of what this means for…

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