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Re-opening for public worship

Following the government’s plan to ease covid restrictions and re-open schools, we are delighted to announce that St Peter’s will be re-opening for public worship, on Sunday 7th March.

In terms of what we are allowed to do, there are still considerable restrictions in place: we need to keep social distancing and wear masks, we can’t do coffee or socialise after church yet, and we can’t sing or operate children’s groups or a creche. So to help spread numbers more safely, for the time being we are planning to hold Family Worship every Sunday at 9 am, and Communion every Sunday at 10.30 am, at least until Easter. For those who are not able to attend in person, the 10.30 Communion Service will be streamed live on St Peter’s YouTube channel.

Hopefully, as restrictions ease, we’ll be able to return to normal patterns of worship over time. And please put St Peter’s Patronal Festival on 27th June in your diaries: if the government roadmap goes according to plan, this will be the date for a big and much needed church celebration and party!
