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St Peter’s sermons

From Sunday 22nd March 2020, regular Sunday worship (including sermons and talks) is available online at the St Peter’s YOUTUBE channel, where you can also see other videos uploaded by Charles, Heike and other member of the church community.


Learning from St Charles?  Sermon 15th March 2020 (the last Sunday in church before the COVID lockdown)

(Revd Charles Clapham)


The Golden Bough: Sermon 8th March 2020

(Revd Charles Clapham)


Trials and tribulations: Sermon 1st March 2020

(Revd Heike Prentice)


Transfiguration, body, and soul: Sermon 23rd February 2020

(Simon Brooke)


Genesis and climate change: Sermon 16th February 2020

(Revd Heike Prentice)


Synchronicity: Sermon 2nd February 2020

(Revd Heike Prentice)


Why the Bishops are wrong: Marriage and gay relationships  Sermon 26th January 2020

(Revd Charles Clapham)


The gift of grace: Sermon 19th January 2020

(Revd Heike Prentice)


Cracking the divine code: Sermon 5th January 2020

(Revd Heike Prentice)


Midnight mass: Sermon 24th December 2019

(Revd Heike Prentice)


Joseph’s choice: Sermon 22nd December 2019

(Revd Heike Prentice)


The armour of light: Sermon 1st December 2019

(Simon Brooke)


Eats, shoots and leaves: Sermon 24th November 2019

(Revd Charles Clapham)


Sticks and Stones: Sermon 17th November 2019

(Revd Heike Prentice)


Saints and Sinners: Sermon 3rd November 2019

(Revd Heike Prentice)


Movers and Shakers: Sermon 27th October 2019

(Revd Charles Clapham)


‘Learned, elegant, and indolent’: Sermon 20th October 2019

(Revd Charles Clapham)


Seek the welfare of the city: Sermon 13th October 2019

(Revd Heike Prentice)


Darwin’s daughter: Sermon 6th October 2019

(Revd Charles Clapham)


A strange and curious tale: Sermon 22nd September 2019

(Revd Charles Clapham)


Of parliament, sausages and the lost coin: Sermon 15th September 2019

(Revd Heike Prentice)


Not preaching on Brexit: Sermon 8th September 2019

(Revd Charles Clapham)


Ferragosto: Sermon 18th August 2019

(Revd Charles Clapham)


Believing in nothing – or anything: Sermon 28th July 2019

(Revd Charles Clapham)


Sisters are doing it for themselves: Sermon 21st July 2019

(Revd Heike Prentice)


Healing and hospitality: Sermon 14th July 2019

(Revd Charles Clapham)


The reluctant evangelist: Sermon 7th July 2019

(Revd Heike Prentice)


On the occasion of Heike’s first presidency at Holy Communion (Sermon 23rd June 2019)

(Very Revd Nicholas Henshall, Dean of Chelmsford Cathedral)


Meh… Sermon 16th June 2019

(Revd Charles Clapham)


It’s my ball – and you’re not playing! Sermon 26th May 2019

(Revd Charles Clapham)


To boldly go: Sermon 19th May 2019

(Revd Heike Prentice)


The transatlantic Christ: Sermon 12th May 2019

(Revd Charles Clapham)


Authentic Love: Sermon 5th May 2019

(Revd Heike Prentice)


Follow the link to listen to the spoken tributes from DAVID CORAM’S MEMORIAL SERVICE on 4th May 2019.


St George’s Day: Sermon 28th April 2019

(Revd Charles Clapham)


Easter Sunday: Sermon for 21st April 2019

(Rt Revd Graham Tomlin, Bishop of Kensington)


Dead trees and caterpillars: Sermon for 24th March 2019

(Revd Charles Clapham)


The fox, the hen, and the chicks: Sermon for 17th March 2019

(Revd Heike Prentice)


The gift exchange: Sermon for 10th March 2019

(Revd Charles Clapham)


Tuning into creation: Sermon for 3rd March 2019

(Revd Heike Prentice)


In light inaccessible: Sermon for 24th February 2019

(Revd Charles Clapham)


No limits: Sermon for 17th February 2019

(Revd Heike Prentice)


It could be you: Sermon for 10th February 2019

(Revd Charles Clapham)


Love never ends: Sermon for 2nd February 2019

(Revd Heike Prentice)


The Jesus Manifesto: Sermon for 27th January 2019

(Revd Charles Clapham)


Mary gets the party started: Sermon for 20th January 2019

(Revd Heike Prentice)


Holman Hunt: Christ in the Temple: Sermon for 30th December 2018

(Revd Charles Clapham)


Embracing the pagan: Sermon for 23rd December 2018

(Revd Charles Clapham)


The Grinch inside: Sermon for 16th December 2018

(Revd Charles Clapham)


Jesus meets the Buddha: Sermon for 9th December 2018

(Revd Charles Clapham)