Book group: More Perfect Union?
Join Charles for another lunchtime book discussion group on Zoom, where we will be reading More Pefect Union: Understanding Same-Sex Marriage, by Dr Alan Wilson, Bishop of Buckingham.
We’re meeting for three weeks on consecutive Wednesdays, beginning on Wednesday 20th May, at 12pm. We’ll be tackling three chapters a week; so looking at chs.1-3 on May 20th; chs 4-6 on May 27th; and on 7-9 for June 3rd. If you’ve expressed an interest, you should already have received the link to the Zoom meeting; but do contact me ( if you haven’t heard anything, or you’d still like to join.
More Perfect Union is available on Kindle or in paperback from AMAZON and elsewhere.
In this important and timely book Alan Wilson argues that allowing gay people to marry is a moral purpose.
Wilson says: ‘I asked myself “what does God want for gay people?”. After re-revisiting the Bible, and more importantly getting to know gay people of all types and varying backgrounds, he decided the answer was that God wants for them the same as everyone else – flourishing faith, hope and love, involvement and inclusion. Meanwhile, from a scientific perspective, More Perfect Union? asserts that homosexuality is part of a wide range of human sexual longing and expression, not an anomaly, a sickness, not merely a lifestyle choice.
The vast majority of people Wilson encountered on his journey toward being in favour of same-sex marriage were not anti-gay, were ‘just trying to love their neighbour as themselves’, even if, in some cases, their heads lagged behind their hearts on the issue of gay marriage. The ultimate aim of this book is to help Christians unite head and heart in a fully positive response to gay people marrying, and to enable them to wholeheartedly rejoice in such union, in doing so shaking off the hangover of years of stereotyping, fear and discrimination about gay people.
Alan Wilson is Bishop of Buckingham, and a leading voice in the church in favour or same-sex marriage.
‘The joy of this book is a bishop telling the truth, not least about the way the gay issue has been handled in recent history, and the awful dishonesties in which we are now entrammelled as a result.’ –Venerable Dr Jeffrey John, Dean of St Albans Cathedral
‘Alan Wilson is the only bishop in the Church of England who speaks for the full inclusion of LGBTQI people in the Church. In this powerful statement, he sets out the scientific, theological and Biblical reasons which have led him to believe that this is the truly Christian option.’ –Linda Woodhead MBE, Professor of Sociology of Religion, Lancaster University
‘Few people have the perspective on LGBT issues in the Church that Bishop Alan Wilson does. Even fewer have shown as much selfless concern. Whether you agree with his conclusions or not, this could never be a dull read and I promise it will spur you to think about your own perspectives on this important debate!’ –Rev Sally Hitchiner, LGBT campaigner and Associate Vicar at St Martins-in-the-Fields